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Experience, case studies, research and editorial content on strategic marketing for member-based non-profit organizations. 

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Using Persona-Based Marketing to Engage Younger Members

Using Persona-Based Marketing to Engage Younger Members

Halmyre collaborates with service-based organizations of all sizes from across North America with marketing problems that don’t fit neatly into traditional agency solutions.

Outsourcing Your Marketing: Three Considerations

Outsourcing Your Marketing: Three Considerations

Before outsourcing, organizations need to understand which types of marketing are core to executing their marketing strategy. If you need a specialized skill to fulfill your marketing strategy such a CRM or marketing automation specialist, this might be a good time to outsource.

OSPE Case study

Three Months to Boost Social Media Engagement

Halmyre collaborates with service-based organizations of all sizes from across North America with marketing problems that don’t fit neatly into traditional agency solutions.

Three Steps to Make Your Revenue Resilient

Three Steps to Make Your Revenue Resilient

To study your audiences wants and needs, you can apply the qualitative and observational aspects of ethnography to capture important nuances in why your audiences may or may not like a new service you are delivering or to discover ways to optimize existing revenue streams. The final aspect that you need to revisit regularly to identify new opportunities and keep your revenue competitive is customer experience design (CX).

Getting the Data Insights You Need to Make an Impact

Getting the Data Insights You Need to Make an Impact

Data intelligence is a critical component in conducting just about any business in today’s world. Through interactions with our clients across industries and in various vertical markets, Halmyre’s team of consultants have found that organizations that have had long-term success are always focused on their numbers – monitoring, understanding, optimizing.

Management Approach with illustration of light bulb

McCarthy’s Four Ps of Marketing: a Product of the 1960s but More Relevant Than Ever

Yes. And I would argue that while I think marketing leaders have lost sight of the four Ps amid distractions and short-term thinking, they are not only relevant but needed more than ever to guide the growth of our organizations in challenging economic times.

Management Approach with illustration of light bulb

Marketing, Not Just Advertising, Is the Root of Business Growth

Marketing is the profession that drives business growth, period. It is a holistic profession with many specialty sub-disciplines. The basic structure of marketing, when used properly, includes the classic four Ps of product, price, place and promotion.

Photo of computer, books and glasses

3 Reasons Good Governance Leads to Good Membership Marketing

Far too often boards and business leaders associate marketing only with the fourth p, promotion (the ads, emails and social media common to associations). But marketing is the growth engine of any organization and therefore can only rest on the solid foundation of good corporate strategy and good governance.